19 images Created 29 Apr 2020
Wahweap Hoodoos
The deserts of the southwest United States have more than their share of magical landscapes. A few have such beauty that they cause one to feel a reverence for the earth. These are places where you find yourself whispering to others in respect for the feeling that you are in a scared place. They are mother nature’s cathedrals. The Wahweap Hoodoos in southern Utah is one of these places. The hoodoos consist of soft white sandstone pillars topped with dark harder sandstone caprock. They intrigue scientists and stir the spirit of all who visit. “Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.” - Rachel Carson. To see the text that goes with each photo view in the largest format possible. To remove the text from the image click the chevron at the bottom of the page.